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Spiritual Blog
On this page you will find links to articles about the Spiritual Awakening process and the true nature of the universe, as shared with me by the Council of Light and Athena, Source Energy.
Latest Posts
What’s the Purpose of Spiritual Awakening?
If you’re wondering what the purpose of spiritual awakening is, this article explains how your awakening is bigger than just you.
Money and Spirituality: Using Wealth For the Greater Good
Money and spirituality are seemingly opposite ideas. In this post I’ll explain why it’s possible and desirable to be both wealthy & spiritual.
Are You a Spiritual Seeker? 14 Ways to Find the Truth
Are you a spiritual seeker looking for the truth? In this article, I share 14 ways to find the truth and become your own teacher and guide.
The Global Enlightenment Project: Transforming the Consciousness of the Human Race
Learn about the Global Enlightenment Project and the plan to elevate the consciousness of the human race within a handful of generations.
Unleash Your Power: 21 Spiritual Gifts Discovered During Awakening
This article answers the question ‘what is a starseed’ and explains how memories of an alien past reveal the truth of our universe.
What is a Starseed? The Truth About Starseeds and Where They Come From
This article answers the question ‘what is a starseed’ and explains how memories of an alien past reveal the truth of our universe.
What is the Spiritual Awakening Process? NEWSFLASH: There are THREE processes
You must complete 3 spiritual awakening processes to reach your full soul potential. In this post, I reveal each process.
How To Start Your Spiritual Journey
Wondering how to start your spiritual journey? Not sure where to begin? In this article, I share eight simple techniques you can start using today.
10 Physical Symptoms of Spiritual Awakening: How to Manage Them
Discover 10 physical symptoms of spiritual awakening & how to handle them. Ringing ears, tingling, aches & pains, fatigue, and more revealed.
Why Did My Spiritual Awakening Stop? The 3 Most Common Reasons
Wondering, why did my spiritual awakening stop? In my awakening coaching practice I see 3 common reasons – I share them in this post.
What is Third Eye Meditation? How and Why You Should Use Third Eye Meditation
Wondering what is Third Eye meditation and why you should do it? Discover what Third Eye meditation is, its benefits and who should be using this practice.
Do Animals Have Souls? The Extraordinary Truth
Are you wondering if animals have souls? This post shares the extraordinary truth about the relationship between humans and animals.
Spiritual Awakening and Anxiety: Why it Happens and What to Do About it
Spiritual awakening can cause anxiety for a variety of reasons. I explain when & why anxiety occurs and what to do about it.
How to Access the Akashic Records: Unlocking the Universal Database
Are you wondering how to access the Akashic Records? Anyone can unlock the universal database using these 3 simple techniques.
The Spiritual Meaning of Dreams About Babies
This article reveals the spiritual meaning of dreams about babies. These dreams reflect nurture, potential, & the cycle of creation.
Spiritual Awakening: The Top 5 Mistakes I see People Make
These are the top 5 things to avoid doing during a spiritual awakening. Not doing these things will help you have an easier awakening.
What Does Flying in a Dream Mean Spiritually?
Wondering what flying in a dream means spiritually? This complete guide reveals every spiritual interpretation of flying dreams.
Teeth Falling Out Dream – Spiritual Meaning
The teeth falling out dream’s spiritual meaning can be understood in many ways. This comprehensive guide reveals 18 spiritual interpretations.
The Yellow Butterfly Spiritual Meaning – Messages of Hope and Joy
The yellow butterfly spiritual meaning is connected to messages of hope and joy, as well as having deeper meaning. Find out more in this post.
Discover the Spiritual Meaning of a Bumblebee: the Ultimate Guide
Wondering about the spiritual meaning of a bumblebee? Discover all the meanings in this ultimate guide & learn how bumblebees can guide you.
Losing Friends Is One of the Hardest Parts of Spiritual Awakening
Are you losing friends during spiritual awakening? This post explains why and when it happens, and what you can do about it.
Our Spiritual Universe: Discover the 13 Dimensions
For the first time, the 13 dimensions of our spiritual universe are revealed. Discover exactly how our universe is constructed and why.
Discover the Spiritual Meaning of a Rainbow – the Rainbow is an Important Spiritual Sign
Are you seeing rainbow synchronicities? This post explains the spiritual meaning of a rainbow: one of the most powerful and significant signs.
What is Source Energy Spiritually? The Answer May Surprise You!
What is source energy spiritually speaking? We hear about ‘The Source’ in spiritual circles, but what actually is it? This post explains all.
Radical Self Acceptance is Vital During the Spiritual Journey
Radical self acceptance is vital, not once, but TWICE in the spiritual journey. I reveal the stages of awakening requiring self acceptance.
How Long Does a Spiritual Awakening Take? The Answer May Surprise You!
How long does a spiritual awakening take? A recent survey of hundreds of awakeners reveals the surprising truth – find out more in this post.
What is Spiritual Awakening? This is What’s Really Going On
What is Spiritual Awakening? We’re familiar with the symptoms, but what’s really happening? This post explains the mechanics behind awakening.
Hearing Voices During Spiritual Awakening? Here’s What’s Happening.
Are you hearing voices during spiritual awakening? It’s normal! This post explains where the voices are coming from and how to interpret them.
The 7 Stages of Spiritual Awakening Explained
The 7 stages of spiritual awakening explained from beginning to end: identify which phase you’re in and find out what comes next.
How to Find my Life Purpose? Try These Techniques.
Puzzling ‘how to find my life purpose?’ During awakening we become aware we’re here to do something. These tips will help you find out what it is.
Can You Stop a Spiritual Awakening? Find Out How to Control Your Journey.
It’s normal to ask, ‘Can you stop a spiritual awakening?’ when you’re on the rollercoaster. This post explains how to control the process.
Why Am I Having a Spiritual Awakening? Discover the Major Causes of Awakening.
If you’re going through a spiritual awakening and wondering why it’s happening to YOU, I explain in this post.
What is the Ego in Spirituality? Find Out in This Post
Asking ‘what is the Ego in spirituality?’ The Ego is misunderstood but plays a vital role. This post reveals the true purpose of the Ego.
Am I an Old Soul? Here’s How You Know
Asking yourself, ‘Am I an old soul?’ This post reveals the signs you are an old soul, or highly evolved soul.
Are You Going Through an Awakening? Take our Survey
Are you going through your awakening? We’re conducting the 1st ever survey of awakeners for a new book about spiritual awakening – take part!
What is the Dark Night of the Soul in Spiritual Awakening?
Are you asking yourself, ‘What is the Dark Night of the Soul in spiritual awakening?’ This post explains why and when it happens in awakening.
I Had a Spiritual Awakening, Now What?! Here’s What Comes Next
Have you had your awakening? Are you thinking, I had a spiritual awakening, now what?! This post explains what comes next.
Why Are We Here on Earth? One of The Great Mysteries Revealed
Are you asking yourself, ‘Why are we here on Earth?’ I reveal all in this post – the answer might surprise you.
Foods to Avoid During Spiritual Awakening: How to Eat Spiritually
There are certain foods to avoid during spiritual awakening, this blog article provides a comprehensive guide.
Spiritual Diet: The Best Foods to Eat During Spiritual Awakening
Discover the best foods to eat during spiritual awakening – this article reveals the best diet for spiritual awakening.
Why Does Spiritual Awakening Happen?
Why does spiritual awakening happen? There’s a reason why people all over the World are waking up now – this post tells you why.
Root Chakra Crystals: Use these Stones to Heal Your Root Chakra
Root chakra crystals can be used to rebalance and heal the root chakra. This post reveals the most effective stones and how to use them.
What to do During the Dark Night of the Soul
If you’re wondering what to do during the Dark Night of the Soul, this post will guide you. Please don’t despair, help is at hand.
Is depression spiritual?
Asking yourself, ‘is depression spiritual?’. This is a common question during a period of depression – this blog post provides the answers.
These root chakra affirmations will heal root chakra blocks
Using root chakra affirmations is a highly effective way to restore root chakra health and reduce fear and anxiety.
What is the Spiritual Meaning of Pooping in a Dream?
If you’re wondering about the spiritual meaning of pooping in a dream, this blog post tells you all you need to know.
Meditation and Spiritual Awakening Go Hand In Hand
Meditation and spiritual awakening are intrinsically linked. This blog post explains how to meditate for spiritual awakening.
Communication With Spirit Guides is Vital In Awakening
If you’re awakening, communication with spirit guides is essential. Learn how to communicate with spirit guides in this post.
Have Spirituality Depression? It’s the Dark Night of the Soul
Spirituality depression is a normal stage of the spiritual awakening journey and is known as the Dark Night of the Soul. Find out more in this blog post
Sudden Spiritual Awakening? It’s Your Spiritual Epiphany
A sudden spiritual awakening – also known as a spiritual epiphany – is part of the awakening journey. This article explains all
Wondering How to Have a Spiritual Awakening? Try These Simple Steps
If you’re asking yourself how to have a spiritual awakening, this article gives you the tips you need to start the awakening journey.
Spiritual Fatigue – Why Awakening Makes Us Tired
Spiritual fatigue or spiritual awakening tiredness is normal during awakening & necessary. This post explains why and what to do about it.
Signs Your Higher Self is Talking to You
Discover 20 signs your higher self is talking to you. Our higher selves communicate with us all the time, learn to spot the signs
How Long Does The Dark Night of The Soul Last?
Going through spiritual depression? It’s normal to ask yourself, ‘how long does the Dark Night of the Soul last?’. This article explains all.
Dark Night of the Soul Symptoms
Wondering about Dark Night of the Soul symptoms? This article explains the mental, emotional, and physical symptoms of the Dark Night.
The Spiritual Meaning of Ear Ringing: Find Out Why Your Right or Left Ear Rings.
What does it mean when our ears ring, and what is the significance of right vs left ear ringing spiritually?
The Major 7 Signs of Spiritual Awakening: Are You Going Through an Awakening?
Find out if you’re going through an awakening by discovering these top 7 signs of spiritual awakening that every awakener will experience.
What is Spiritual Depression?
Wondering ‘what is spiritual depression’? Also known as the ‘Dark Night of the Soul,’ spiritual depression is a standard stage of awakening.
The Spiritual Meaning of Birds: Interpreting Bird Signs and Synchronicities
Looking for the spiritual meaning of birds? Look no further. We reveal the meaning of bird signs & how they connect to the Council of Light.
What is a Soul?
It’s natural to wonder ‘what is a soul?’, especially if you’re going through your awakening. Find out about multi-dimensional souls here.
The Two Types of Dark Night of the Soul
This article explains the two types of Dark Night of the Soul: one is growth-oriented, the other is hardwired into the awakening journey.
The Meaning of the Dark Night of the Soul
Wondering about the meaning of the Dark Night of the Soul? This post explains what it is and why it happens. Find out all about the Dark Night.
The Dark Night of the Soul Stages
Wondering about Dark Night of the Soul stages? I explain how the Dark Night unfolds and how long it lasts – find where you are in the process.
What is the Council of Light? Meet the Galactic Council Which Oversees Our Universe (Also Known as the Council of Twelve)
The Council of Light is the ancient galactic organisation which tends our universe. This article introduces the 12 senior council members.
We’re at the Start of a Mass, Global Spiritual Awakening
We’re at a turning point in the Earth’s history, right at the start of a global spiritual awakening. This article tells all you need to know.