Spiritual Awakening book: Cover of The World Is Waking Up, showing the sunrise over the Earth from space.


Sophia’s latest book The World Is Waking Up explains the global awakening phenomenon and dives deep into the awakening journey.

AN ESSENTIAL GUIDE to spiritual awakening.

Few people are aware that there are two types of Dark Night of the Soul.  If you know which kind you are experiencing, it can help you understand what to do to get through this difficult time and what lies ahead.

The two types of Dark Night of the Soul happen at different times during the spiritual awakening journey.

The first – the ‘growth-oriented’ Dark Night of the Soul, tends to happen early on, before we’re even consciously aware we’re going through the awakening process.

The second – the ‘spiritual’ Dark Night of the Soul, is a very specific stage of spiritual awakening which occurs around halfway through the process.

By this time, we’re usually aware we’re awakening spiritually and may even have had our epiphany.

I explain each of the two types of the Dark Night of the Soul in more detail below.


The two types of dark night of the soul - photo of sad woman hunched over arms.

The two types of Dark Night of the Soul: The growth-oriented Dark Night

This type of Dark Night of the Soul manifests itself as a ‘typical’ depression.

We feel sad, lost, and in emotional pain.

At its most extreme, a growth-oriented Dark Night can result in a breakdown or burnout.

The growth-oriented Dark Night is brought about by our own damaging behaviours, or by negative events in our lives.

The kind of things which can induce it are:


  • Living an unhealthy lifestyle;
  • Becoming dependent on alcohol or drugs;
  • Behaving in unethical ways;
  • Remaining in situations which are bad for us;
  • Suffering a traumatic event, such as bereavement or divorce.

The purpose of the growth-oriented Dark Night of the Soul

This type of Dark Night of the Soul is designed to encourage us to grow and change. 

Something is making us unhappy, the only solution is to tackle the root cause.

This means that either we need to modify our behaviour or change something in our lives.

In the case of a growth-induced Dark Night of the Soul brought about by an event beyond our control, such as the death of someone we love, we are being encouraged to learn ways to manage our pain.

This is also a form of growth.

    Are You Going Through the Dark Night of the Soul? 

    Everything You Need is In This Book

    How to get through the Dark Night of the Soul book cover with the title in bold type on a purple background.

    The two types of Dark Night of the Soul: The spiritual Dark Night

    The spiritual Dark night of the Soul is a very specific stage of the spiritual awakening journey.

    It occurs at 50 percent integration of the earthbound soul with its higher self in the upper dimensions.

    This can also be understood as the integration of the conscious mind (soul) with the superconscious mind (higher self.)

    Watch the video below to understand more about what happens to the mind during spiritual awakening. 

    The spiritual Dark Night of the Soul manifests in a very specific way.

    It always comes after a period of intense connection to the universe, where typically we will have regular communication with our higher self and guides.

    Once the spiritual Dark Night of the Soul descends – which it does quickly, typically overnight – all communication ceases.

    We feel damped-down, cut-off, disconnected, and alone.

    Famous cases of the spiritual Dark Night in history are: St Teresa of Avila, St Therese de Lisieux, and Mother Teresa.

    The purpose of the spiritual Dark Night of the Soul

    The spiritual Dark Night of the Soul is designed to (re)teach us autonomy and self-reliance.

    During the preceding stage of awakening, it is very common to become dependent on our guides for advice and direction.

    However, we are supposed to make our own decisions and mistakes – that is why we incarnate, so we can learn.

    Removing the ‘crutch’ our guides provides means we have to fall back on our own resources once more.

    The mechanic behind each of the two types of Dark Night of the Soul is chakra blockage

    During each of the two types of Dark Night of the Soul, our connection to the seven major universal energy sources is severely reduced.

    This happens when one or more of our chakras are constricted or blocked.

    A growth-oriented Dark Night of the Soul is triggered when one or more chakras is constricted to less than 50 percent of capacity.

    Which chakras and to which degree depends on the specific circumstances.

    Because of the huge variety in chakra blockages, the symptoms of a growth-oriented Dark Night can be very different for different people.

    During a spiritual Dark Night of the Soul, all of the chakras are restricted to the same degree, at the same time.

    Energy can be reduced to as little as 5 percent of capacity – this is the minimum needed to sustain human life.

    Read about the symptoms of the two types of Dark Night of the Soul in this blog post.

    Find out how long each type of Dark Night of the Soul lasts in this blog post.

    Read about the stages of the two types of Dark Night of the Soul in this blog post

    How to get out of the two types of Dark Night of the Soul

    It’s perfectly possible to get out of each type of the Dark Night of the Soul, it just requires focus and dedication to the process.

    To exit a growth-oriented Dark Night of the Soul, we need to examine our lives and behaviours to work out what needs to change.

    Often we need to embark on ‘inner work’.

    This takes time and isn’t easy, however it’s the greatest gift you will ever give yourself.

    The spiritual Dark Night of the Soul ends as suddenly as it begins, when we reach 65-70 percent integration with our higher selves.

    Read this blog article to learn what to do during the spiritual Dark Night of the Soul.

    Work with me: Book a spiritual awakening coaching session

    I'm a channel for The Council of Light and Source Energy, and coach awakeners all over the World

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