Spiritual Awakening book: Cover of The World Is Waking Up, showing the sunrise over the Earth from space.


Sophia’s latest book The World Is Waking Up explains the global awakening phenomenon and dives deep into the awakening journey.

AN ESSENTIAL GUIDE to spiritual awakening.

Are you wondering what to do during the Dark Night of the Soul? This difficult stage of awakening can leave you feeling lost and alone but please don’t despair, there are ways to speed up your journey through the Dark Night.

Note: this article talks about the ‘spiritual’ Dark Night of the Soul which occurs around midway through the awakening journey. There are actually 2 types of Dark Night – watch the video below to find out more.

What is the Dark Night of the Soul?

To know what to do during the Dark Night of the Soul, it helps to understand exactly what the Dark Night is.

The Dark Night of the Soul is an unavoidable stage of spiritual awakening, which is hard-wired into the awakening journey.

In other words, anyone who progresses beyond a certain point of spiritual awakening will enter the Dark Night.

During the Dark Night of the Soul, all of the seven chakras are simultaneously constricted to a significant degree.

You will experience this as an odd type of depression, during which everything feels ‘damped down’.

Typically, you will feel lonely and disconnected, as though something vital has been taken away from you.

What is spiritual awakening?

Spiritual awakening is the process of integrating the earthbound soul with the higher self, situated in the upper dimensions.

(We can also think of this as the integration of the conscious mind (soul) with the superconscious mind (higher self) – find out more in the video below.)

The Dark Night is triggered at 50 percent integration with your higher self, and always comes after a period of intense connectedness to the universe.

This is one reason it can feel so lonely and difficult – we have become accustomed to close contact with our guides.

How long does the Dark Night of the Soul last?

If you’re wondering what to do during the Dark Night of the Soul, you’re probably also wondering how long it lasts.

Don’t worry, it’s temporary.

As I mentioned, we enter the Dark Night at 50 percent integration with our higher selves.

We exit the Dark Night between 65 and 70 percent integration.

So, when thinking about how to get out of the Dark Night of the Soul, the most important thing is to continue the integration process.

(I explain how to do this in the section below.)

If you don’t continue to integrate, then you will start to de-integrate from your higher self and slip backwards along the spiritual awakening continuum.

Eventually you will exit the way you came in – by dropping below 50 percent integration with your higher self.

This relieves the symptoms, but unfortunately you will just hit the Dark Night again, the next time you get to 50 percent.

So, however hard it is, the best thing is to keep pushing forward (especially because what lies on the other side is really rather wonderful).

If you do the things you need to do, you should be able to overcome the Dark Night of the Soul in 3-4 months.

It feels like an eternity when you’re in it, but once you’re through, as long as you keep up your spiritual practice, it will soon be a blip in the rear-view mirror (I promise).

Are You Going Through the Dark Night of the Soul? 

Everything You Need is In This Book

How to get through the Dark Night of the Soul book cover with the title in bold type on a purple background.

How to get out of the Dark Night of the Soul

Here’s what to do during the Dark Night of the Soul…

You have to double-down on your spiritual practice.

Yes, that’s right, at exactly the time you feel most disconnected, frustrated, questioning, and abandoned, you have to summon up all your faith and keep going.

It’s extremely hard and you will feel as though you’re getting nowhere fast.

However, you are integrating with your higher self in the background – even if you aren’t aware of it.

There are many ways to aid integration, in fact, I teach forty tried-and-tested protocols for overcoming the Dark Night of the Soul in my new book.

There’s not room for all forty here, so instead I share my seven ‘must-dos’ below.

What to do during the Dark Night of the Soul #1: Adjust your mindset

Accepting that the Dark Night is just something you have to go through to get to the wonders beyond is an effective way of making it easier.

Daily gratitudes help with this.

Thank the universe for giving you the opportunity to have this experience, and for all the gifts you know are waiting for you on the other side.

It will be hard for you to feel grateful, just grit your teeth and say the gratitudes anyway.

What to do during the Dark Night of the Soul #2: Rest

Rest is enormously important during the Dark Night of the Soul.

Your team are upgrading your system for the next phase of awakening and need you to sleep.

Don’t worry if you’re spending a lot of time in bed or on the sofa, it’s intended and necessary.

Shrug off any feelings of guilt and treat yourself to some new comfy pyjamas.

What to do during the Dark Night of the Soul #3: Meditate every day

This is the one single thing you MUST do during the Dark Night of the Soul as it’s the shortest route to integration.

In fact, throughout the remainder of the awakening journey (the Dark Night is stage five of seven stages), daily meditation is vital.

You should try to meditate at least once a day, and more if you can manage it.

It’s difficult, because you won’t feel the connection you’re used to having, but don’t worry about it. Meditate anyway.

Again, you are integrating in the background.

Read this blog post for guidance on how to meditate at every stage of the awakening journey. 

Watch the video below for an easy daily third eye meditation that’s ideal during the Dark Night of the Soul.

What to do during the Dark Night of the Soul #4: Spend time in nature

The natural world absorbs negative energy from us, a bit like osmosis.

The more time you can spend outdoors during the Dark Night of the Soul, the better.

If you can combine being in nature with a walking meditation, then you are also speeding up your integration at the same time.

Watch the video below for more information about walking meditation.

What to do during the Dark Night of the Soul #5: Watch your diet

Certain substances inhibit the integration process. These are:

  • Alcohol
  • Sugar
  • Caffeine
  • Red meat

Try to avoid all of these as much as possible and make sure you’re getting your fruit and veg, ideally organic.

Chicken/turkey are often required during the Dark Night of the Soul because of the tryptophan in the skin.

Tryptophan aids the production of serotonin, which in turn helps us connect to the higher dimensions.

You may also find you crave dairy at this time because it contains ‘chi’, the universal life force.

What to do during the Dark Night of the Soul #6: Get creative

Creative and artistic pursuits are almost as powerful as meditation in aiding integration with your higher self.

This is because they stimulate the right side of the brain, which is the physical tool of the superconscious mind.

If you’re awakening now, you’re a higher evolved soul. 

That means you definitely have some creative talent or interest. 

Spend as much time as you possibly can indulging this during the Dark Night of the Soul.

What to do during the Dark Night of the Soul #7: Plan for the future

One way to make this difficult stage of awakening more bearable is to think about what you will do once you have overcome the Dark Night of the Soul.

Before, during, and after the Dark Night, a parallel process is taking place, which encourages us to ‘release what doesn’t serve us.’

This can mean a whole new lifestyle, career, friendship group, relationship, and sense of purpose.

Planning how to leave behind the things you have outgrown and where to go next, can give you something positive to focus on.

The era of mass, global awakening

Five percent of the World’s population will have been woken up by 2027.

It’s because we’ve entered the new era of mass, global awakening, which will ultimately lead the Earth to full enlightenment.

My mission in this lifetime is to guide people through their awakenings and, in particular, help them get through the Dark Night of the Soul.

Currently over ninety percent of people drop out of the awakening process when they reach the Dark Night.

If this continues, it will have devastating consequences for the future of the Earth.

So, if you’re awakening now and are in the Dark Night, please press on.

It’s hard when you’re in it, but I promise you, the really good stuff is on the other side.

I talk more about the mass global awakening in the video below.


My new book explains everything you need to know about both types of Dark Night of the Soul and provides forty protocols to overcome it, taught to me by my higher self, Sophia, during my own Dark Night of the Soul.

You can also read these posts about spiritual depression and the Dark Night of the Soul if you need more information:


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