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Spiritual awakening is a process that involves not just the mind and spirit, but also the body. What you eat, and don’t eat, can greatly impact your awakening and certain foods hinder your connection to your higher self and slow your progress. Here are ten foods to avoid during spiritual awakening to help accelerate your awakening journey.
Why Avoid Certain Foods During Spiritual Awakening?
There are three main reasons to avoid certain foods during spiritual awakening:
Reason 1: Reducing harm
If you’re awakening now, your job is to protect the planet and its inhabitants.
But some foods and the methods used to produce them are damaging to the environment and to humans and animals.
As part of your spiritual evolution, you should be focused on reducing the harm you inflict, and that means avoiding these types of foods.
Eliminating them from your diet will also increase your store of positive karma.
More positive karma means you receive more help from your teams on the spiritual awakening journey.
Reason 2: Taking Care of Your Body
The second reason you should avoid certain foods during spiritual awakening is that you need to take care of your body.
You are a collaboration of mind, body, and spirit, and all three must be nurtured.
Eating poor-quality or harmful food means your body isn’t getting the nourishment it deserves or may even be getting damaged.
If your body is spending its energy on crisis management, then there is less energy available for your spiritual evolution.
Reason 3: Transcending the Physical
The third reason is that spiritual awakening requires you to transcend the physical and elevate your consciousness.
This is so you can connect to your higher self in the upper dimensions.
When you eat certain types of foods, you become ‘anchored’ in the physical.
This makes it more difficult to ascend.
Read this blog article for the best foods to eat during spiritual awakening.
Foods to Avoid During Spiritual Awakening
#1 Sugar and Refined Carbs
Too much sugar, or refined carbohydrates, which are essentially sugar, is a sure way to hold back your spiritual awakening.
Foods to avoid in this group include:
- All types of granulated sugar
- Sodas
- Beer and other sugary alcoholic drinks
- Syrups
- Jams and cheap honey (a little high quality, organic honey, such as manuka, is fine)
- White pasta
- White bread
- White rice
- White flour
- White potatoes and fries
- Cakes
- Pastries
- Biscuits
- Sweets and candies
A little sugar from time to time won’t hold you back too much.
However, it’s better to eat some sweet fruit or add a little high-quality, organic honey to your tea than to grab a slice of cheesecake.
If you have a sugar addiction, going cold turkey for a while will reduce your insulin resistance and eliminate your sugar cravings.
#2 Highly Processed Foods
Highly processed foods are foods that have been significantly altered from their original form and contain all sorts of additives, preservatives, and artificial ingredients.
In fact, often they’re not actually ‘food’ at all and have very little nutritional value.
Examples are:
- Fast food
- Processed meats
- Breakfast cereals
- Crisps and snacks
- Commercially produced baked goods
- (Most) ready meals.
You can identify highly processed foods by reading the ingredients label.
If there is a long list of ingredients with items you don’t recognize and which sound like a chemistry experiment, then it’s processed.
As well as providing little or no nutritional value, this type of food places a heavy load on your body, and keeps you locked down in the physical.
In addition, the ingredients have often been produced unsustainably, increasing your harm and impacting your positive karma.
#3 “Diet” foods
‘Diet’ foods are often marketed as healthier options, but this is usually misleading.
In fact, they often have hidden sugars and are heavily processed.
This can block your spiritual growth and make it harder to connect with your higher self.
If you want to lose weight, it’s better to eat natural, simple, home-cooked meals and try fasting.
This will both be more effective in helping you lose weight and support your spiritual awakening.
#4 High Gluten Foods
Avoiding high gluten foods during spiritual awakening can help in several ways.
Gluten can cause inflammation and upset the balance in your gut.
This means your body focuses on managing this issue instead of supporting your awakening.
Much of our gluten comes from modern wheat, which is commonly found in many foods and has been selectively bred for commercial reasons.
Its protein structure has changed, and its gluten content has increased.
These changes, along with the use of pesticides and chemicals in conventional farming, make modern wheat harder to digest, which again hinders your awakening.
Instead, choose ancient grains like spelt and einkorn, which have lower gluten content, or opt for gluten-free ancient grains like amaranth and quinoa.
#5 Deep Fried Foods
These foods are usually cooked in cheap oils that are high in unhealthy fats, like trans fats and saturated fats.
These fats can cause inflammation and health issues like heart disease and obesity.
When your body is focused on healing these issues, it can’t fully support your spiritual growth.
Plus, deep-frying creates harmful compounds that can damage your DNA and speed up aging by shortening your telomeres.
(Telomeres are the protective caps at the ends of your chromosomes.)
Shorter telomeres are linked to age-related diseases and slower cell regeneration.
For those on a spiritual journey, maintaining a healthy body is an important platform for reaching a higher state of consciousness and connecting with your higher self.
So, avoiding deep-fried foods can help you stay healthy and boost your spiritual progress.
#6 Unsustainable and Unethical Foods
These foods hurt both the environment and your health.
For example:
- Factory-farmed meat comes from animals raised in bad conditions and causes a lot of environmental damage.
- Packaged foods made with palm oil contribute to deforestation
- Seafood often comes from overfished sources or fish farms that use harmful practices
As your goal is to do less harm, choosing organic and ethically-sourced foods will help keep you healthy and your karma positive.
As far as possible, pick products with organic, sustainable ingredients to support both your spiritual well-being and the planet.
#7 Red Meat
You don’t have to be vegan or vegetarian to be spiritual, but if you’re awakening, it’s helpful to reduce the amount of meat you eat, especially red meat.
Both cattle and pig farming are exceptionally harmful to the environment, even when done organically, and cheap meat usually equals poor animal welfare.
All of this means red meat negatively affects your karma.
Plus, eating red meat is proven to cause inflammation in the body, putting extra strain on the physical aspect of your system and preventing you from ascending.
In my experience working with clients in my spiritual awakening coaching practice, eating too much red meat is a major block to spiritual connection.
If you’re reluctant to give up red meat completely, reserve it for an occasional treat and always buy from ethical sources.
#8 Dairy, Especially Cow Dairy
Avoiding dairy is important during your awakening journey.
The dairy industry harms the environment and animals, and modern dairy products often lack nutritional value.
If giving up dairy completely is hard, try non-cow options like goat or sheep cheese, which are usually more sustainable.
Choose organic and full-fat versions, as they are less processed.
Some people, especially during the Connection phase of awakening, might need dairy to boost energy and support chakra flow.
This is because it contains Qi, the universal life force.
However, in the later stages of awakening, dairy is usually no longer necessary.
You will know if you need dairy because you will have strong cravings for it.
If that’s the case, go for it, but try to choose the least harmful option.
For example, you could buy from the Ethical Dairy in the United Kingdom or Clover in the United States.
(Watch the video below for more information about the 7 stages of spiritual awakening.)
#9 Caffeine
During awakening, a small amount of caffeine, such as you find in green tea, is okay and can even be good for you.
But drinking multiple lattes a day will hurt your spiritual growth and well-being.
Regular caffeine use can make you tolerant and dependent, which affects the dopamine system’s responsiveness over time, as well as other chemical responses in the brain.
When your dopamine system is disrupted, it can make it harder to connect spiritually and put more strain on your body, leading to mood swings and cravings.
Avoid caffeinated sodas for the same reason, even if they’re sugar-free.
These drinks often have artificial sweeteners and additives that can harm your health, disrupt your endocrine system, and negatively impact your gut health.
Organic herbal teas are a great alternative to caffeinated drinks during spiritual awakening.
#10 Alcohol
While not technically a food, alcohol is something you should severely restrict or eliminate completely during spiritual awakening.
Alcohol ultimately depletes serotonin levels, the molecule that aids connection to the universe and your higher self.
As a substance, it’s only intended to be used very occasionally, in times of extreme emotion (such as grief) to lift you out of your body for a brief period of time.
However, in the Western World, we have become habituated to using alcohol as often as every day.
If you discover you have an alcohol use disorder when you try to stop, please be kind to yourself.
Alcohol is highly addictive and difficult to kick, because it temporariliy connects us to the higher realms.
There are many support groups that can help you stop drinking, for example, the subreddit /stopdrinking.
Tips for Gradual Change
If cutting out all these foods at once feels daunting, aim to improve a little each week.
The universe appreciates the eighty-twenty rule: make healthy choices eighty percent of the time and allow yourself a few treats the other twenty percent.
This balanced approach will still support your spiritual progress.
Don’t forget to read this blog article for the best foods to eat during spiritual awakening.
I’m a spiritual awakening coach and channel for the Council of Light and Source (Athena)
Do you want to unlock your TRUE soul potential?
I teach people from all over the world how to harness their soul power, discover who they really are, and pursue their purpose.
Does a plain venti pike with no sugar or milk effect awakening? This goes for nicotine also.
It’s more about addiction/dependency. If you have the occasional coffee or cigarette, there’s no issue. If you can’t function properly without them, you have a dependency and that will affect your awakening, yes