Spiritual Awakening book: Cover of The World Is Waking Up, showing the sunrise over the Earth from space.


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The spiritual meaning of pooping in a dream is most commonly linked to two things: root chakra health, or feelings of guilt or shame. The spiritual meaning of dreaming of poop can guide you to an action you need to take, or reveal something in your mind you haven’t consciously noticed.

Spiritual meaning of pooping in a dream: Root chakra health

The spiritual meaning of pooping in a dream is almost always linked to root chakra health.

The root chakra is situated at the base of the spine between the anus and the genitals, and is connected to certain emotional and mental symptoms:

Root chakra blockage – common emotional and mental symptoms:

  • Worry
  • Anxiety
  • Fear
  • Guilt
  • Shame
  • Feeling rootless
  • Feeling insecure

A blocked root chakra can cause us to experience these emotions in a more heightened way.

Our feelings become more severe, the more blocked our root chakra is.

Root chakra blockage

A blocked root chakra can also cause problems for us in the real world.

Root chakra blockage – real-world impact:

Problems arising from root chakra blocks are always connected to security, for example:

  • Money worries
  • Loss of security (for example, losing a job or a home)
  • Family problems
  • Being attacked or bullied.

In addition, problems with the root chakra can cause physical illness.

Root chakra blockage – common physical symptoms:

  • Constipation
  • Bladder infections
  • Colon problems
  • Kidney issues
  • Problems with the lower back or skeletal system

If I poop in a dream does it mean my root chakra is blocked?

In terms of root chakra blockage, the spiritual meaning of pooping in a dream will depend on the nature of the poop.

If you produce a lot of poop in the dream and it’s a comfortable, even enjoyable, experience, then this could be a sign you’ve actually cleared a root chakra blockage.

On the other hand, if you dream about not being able to poop, then this is almost certainly an indication that your root chakra is blocked and you need to do something about it.

(Dreaming of not being able to poop is a very common dream symbol of root chakra blockage.)

Money worries in particular can cause us to have dreams about not being able to poop.

Read this blog article for Root Chakra affirmations to help you clear a root chakra blockage.

If you’ve been experiencing any of the symptoms or situations caused by root chakra blockage mentioned above, then this should help you interpret your dream.

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A note about dream interpretation

The meaning of any dream is specific to the dreamer and their situation.

If you want to understand what a dream means, then it’s important to look at it in the context of what’s going on in your life, mind, and overall physical, mental, and emotional health. 

Researching traditional dream symbols will steer you in the right direction, but there’s rarely a ‘one-size fits all’ answer.

So it’s ultimately up to you to work out what you’re being told (learning this skill will also help you progress in your wider spiritual journey).

poop in a dream does it mean my root chakra is blocked

Spiritual meaning of pooping in a dream: Guilt and shame

If you’re dreaming of pooping, this can be connected to feelings of guilt and shame.

The act of pooping is considered shameful in many global societies and is something we work hard to hide.

So the spiritual meaning of dreaming of poop can be that you have hidden feelings of guilt or shame – again, this will depend on context.

Dreams about pooping in front of others

If you dream about pooping in front of others, this is often a strong indication you have done something you feel ashamed about, at least subconsciously.

This will depend in part on your feelings while in the dream.

Did you feel uncomfortable and exposed?

If so, then these types of dreams about pooping in front of others can usually be interpreted as relating to feelings of guilt or shame.

Examine your recent behaviour – is there a cause?

On the other hand, if you feel liberated, defiant, even jubilant, then it can mean you’re pushing against societal norms.

Perhaps you want to challenge the status quo, or fight against the establishment.

In this case, a dream of pooping in front of others can mean you’re trying to forge a new path, contrary to traditional society.

Dreams about pooping in front of others

Spiritual meaning of pooping in a dream: Dreaming of wiping your poop

If you’re dreaming of wiping your poop, then you are literally ‘cleaning up a mess.’

What this means for you specifically, again depends on your feelings while in the dream.

Did you feel disgusted?

Then there is a situation you’re unhappy about (probably connected to the root chakra) which you feel needs ‘clearing up’.

If, instead, you felt a sense of satisfaction, or were focused on getting the job done, then dreaming of wiping your poop in this case can mean you’re well on your way to resolving an unsavoury situation in your life.

Dreaming of wiping your poop

Spiritual meaning of dreaming of poop: Dreaming of poop on your clothes

Dreaming of poop on your clothes is very similar to dreaming of wiping your poop.

Something is spoiling things for you.

Clothes can represent both individual identity and security, is something bothering you in either of these areas?

In your dream of poop on your clothes, what did you do?

If you just noticed it but took no action, then your team is calling your attention to something you aren’t yet consciously aware of.

On the other hand, if you took action, for example by trying to clean the poop from your clothes in your dream, then it suggests you have some awareness of the issue and may even be in the process of resolving it.

Dreaming of poop on your clothes

Spiritual meaning of dreaming of poop: Dream of smelling poop

If you dream of smelling poop, then your team is probably sending you a warning.

Something is coming down the track which could unsettle things.

Again, it’s probably connected to the root chakra.

If you dream of smelling poop, look out for situations which may arise affecting your security.

Read this blog article to learn how to communicate with spirit guides.

Dream of smelling poop

Spiritual meaning of dreaming of poop: Dream about eating poop

If you dream about eating poop, then you are probably being forced to do something in your life you are deeply unhappy about.

Because poop dreams are usually connected to the root chakra, then this is likely to be something in your job, your family, or to do with money.

When you have a dream about eating poop, examine these areas of your life.

Is there a situation you are involved in which you are uncomfortable with?


The spiritual meaning of pooping in a dream depends greatly on your circumstances.

However, our teams always use symbols in dreams which they believe we can interpret.

With a little examination, you should be able to work out exactly what the spiritual meaning of poop in a dream means for you.

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