Ear ringing has spiritual meaning and is one of the most common symptoms of spiritual awakening. It can happen at different times in the journey, and a ring in your left ear has a different significance to ringing in your right ear. This post explains all.
The spiritual meaning of ears ringing is connected to the spiritual awakening journey.
Even if you’re not aware you’re having a spiritual awakening, ear ringing suggests you could be in the early stages, prior to ‘conscious awakening’.
There are two main spiritual reasons why ears ring.
The first is that there’s a vibrational difference between your personal energy and your environment.
The second is that spirits or guides from the other side are in the vicinity, possibly trying to communicate.
Right ear ringing usually means the cause is ‘internal’ – it comes from yourself.
Left ear ringing usually means the reason is ‘external’ – from other energies around you.
Ear ringing spiritual meaning – ear ringing in early awakening (pre-conscious)
During the spiritual awakening process you increase your vibrational rate.
Prior to your conscious awakening (the spiritual ‘Epiphany’) your guides will encourage you to raise your energy, ready for the conscious awakening journey.
They do this by steering you towards:
- inner work and therapy
- spending time in nature
- healthier living
- spiritual practices, such as meditation and yoga (even if you don’t think of yourself as spiritual)
And away from things like:
- damaging relationships
- addictive substances
- unfulfilling jobs and careers
As your energy shifts, you may start to experience ringing in your ears, even though you don’t connect it to spiritual awakening at this point.
Read this blog post to learn more about the Epiphany in spiritual awakening.
Ear ringing spiritual meaning – ear ringing during the later stages of awakening (post-conscious)
Once you’re in ‘conscious’ awakening – i.e. you’re aware you’re having a spiritual awakening, or at least that something very strange is going on! – spiritual ear ringing can become very pronounced.
Typically you’ll experience both right ear ringing and left ear ringing.
That’s because you have lots of changes going on with your internal energy (right ear ringing spiritual meaning) as well as heightened spiritual activity around you (left ear ringing spiritual meaning).
After your spiritual epiphany your vibrational rate shoots up very quickly, at least for a period of time (prior to the Dark Night of the Soul).
This is the ‘connection’ phase of awakening during which you feel intensely connected to the universe and your guides.
This is also the stage of awakening when you’re most likely to experience sustained periods of ear ringing, although they can still happen in the final stages and even beyond.
Feeling Lost, Confused, Overwhelmed? Awakening Can Be Tough, But You Don’t Have to Do it Alone.
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Ringing in right ear spiritual meaning – Changes to your vibrational rate during spiritual awakening
As I mentioned, ringing in the right ear’s spiritual meaning is usually internal.
In other words, you have significantly increased (or decreased) your personal vibrational rate in a short space of time.
This is especially noticeable during the Connection phase of awakening.
Your vibrational rate shoots up, meaning your energy is ‘out of step’ with the forces around you.
(The Connection phase is designed to illustrate to us what things could be like if we complete the awakening journey and transcend.)
The suddenness and intensity of the connection experience means we haven’t had the chance to influence the energies in our environment significantly.
It creates energetic ‘dissonance‘ (this is the word my guides use).
This can cause ringing in the right ear.
As we progress through our awakening journey and our energetic rate starts to align more with our environment (because we’re manifesting a higher vibrational reality), this kind of ear ringing becomes less frequent.
Ringing in right ear spiritual meaning – Other reasons your vibrational rate may change
For example, if you enter a state of trance, you are temporarily accessing the higher dimensions.
As you enter trance, you may experience right ear ringing.
This will be more noticeable, the deeper the trance. It’s because your ‘Earthbound’ vibrational rate is much lower than that of the dimension you’re entering.
For the same reason you may experience ear ringing while under the influence of psychedelic or dissociative substances.
This can come in the form of both right or left ear ringing.
Right ear because we’re crossing dimensions, left ear because disincarnated entities may take advantage of our ‘out of body’ state to try to communicate with us.
Ringing in left ear spiritual meaning – Disincarnate activity around you
If your left ear is ringing, spiritually this often means your guides want to talk with you, or they’re drawing your attention to something.
The ringing or buzzing is a bit like a telephone, they want you to pick up!
However, sometimes you will experience spiritual ear ringing without your team wishing to send a specific message.
It just means there is heightened activity around you. This could come from your guides or from a wider circle of disincarnated spirits.
It can mean your supporters are excited.
They are literally ‘buzzing’ with excitement!
This could be because you’ve reached an important milestone in your spiritual development (that you may be unaware of).
Or it could mean that something significant has happened pertaining to your mission, outside your sphere of perception.
Sometimes deceased family members have stopped by to check in on you, or offer you support.
It’s also possible to pick up their messages, if you learn how to ‘tune in’.
Ringing in ear spiritual meaning – how to receive messages from the other side
If your left ear is ringing or buzzing, then you probably need to take some time out and create the conditions to receive a message.
One way to know if someone is trying to communicate with you, is that you may also experience synchronicities at the same time.
These often come in the form of number sequences, animal, or bird symbols.
(Watch the video below to learn about the spiritual meaning of birds.)
If you become aware that someone wishes to communicate with you, then the quickest and easiest way to create the conditions to receive the message, is to perform a short meditation.
This makes space in your mind for other entities to use to communicate.
Third eye or nothingness meditations are best for this.
If you burn essential oil of myrrh while you’re meditating, this will also help messages to come through more clearly, as will meditating as close to 4am or 4pm as possible, when the ‘veil’ between dimensions is at its thinnest.
Read this blog post to learn more about how to communicate with spirit guides.
Ear ringing spiritual meaning – does frequent ear ringing mean I’m having a spiritual awakening?
Almost certainly yes, especially if there’s no other obvious cause, such as ear damage or tinnitus.
It’s perfectly possible to be going through a spiritual awakening without being consciously aware that you are.
In fact, almost everyone starts their awakening unconsciously.
(Awakening is the process of integrating the earthbound soul with the higher self – watch the video below to find out more.)
Spiritual awakening is difficult but it will transform your life, so please try to embrace the journey with all its twists and turns (you can do it!)
Not sure if you’re having a spiritual awakening? Discover the 7 major signs of awakening in this blog article.
Can You Stop the Ringing?
You cannot switch the ear ringing ‘off’ as such, but there are things you can do to reduce it.
Firstly, if you commit to the spiritual awakening process, then naturally, over time, right ear ringing will reduce.
(Remember that ringing in the right ear’s spiritual meaning is that your vibrational rate is out of step with your environment.)
Later in the journey, after the Dark Night of the Soul, things start to balance out a bit.
We change our circumstances and our energetic frequency becomes better matched with our surroundings.
Secondly, if you set up regular opportunities to communicate with your guides, they’re less likely to need to use left ear ringing to alert you to their presence.
(Remember, ringing in left ear’s spiritual meaning is usually that someone from the other side wants to communicate.)
Meditate daily, learn divination techniques, teach yourself to read signs and dreams – all of these are ways for your team to get messages to you.
You can also take left ear ringing as a sign of support. You’re never alone in this life, ringing in our left ear reminds us that our guides are always close by.
Watch the video below for a super-easy daily meditation anyone can do in just 5 minutes.
Waking in the night with ringing in your ears
If you wake up in the night with ringing in your ears, then pay attention to the dream that you woke up from.
(In fact, always pay attention to any dream you were woken from, especially if you’re wakened by an unusual occurrence.)
Typically there will be a specific message in the dream that your guides wish you to understand.
If you have trouble remembering your dreams, put your body back into the exact position it was in at the moment you woke up and then retrace your mental steps.
This makes it far easier to recall dreams.
I hope this article about ear ringing and it’s connnection to spiritual awakening has been helpful to you.
If you are going through your spiritual awakening, then congratulations.
You have been chosen to be one of the first people on the planet to have this exceptional and transformative experience.
Watch the video below to understand more about the global spiritual awakening happening now.
I’m a spiritual awakening coach and channel for the Council of Light and Source (Athena)
Do you want to unlock your TRUE soul potential?
I teach people from all over the world how to harness their soul power, discover who they really are, and pursue their purpose.
I get this along in the left ear, it’s like a change in atmosphere or ad if it’s plugged and ringing at same time.
Yes, it can be exactly like that, well described.
It’s always in my left ear I get the echo never my right
Hi, thanks for your comment. Is it then followed by a sign or other type of communication?
I had a simlar awaking it’s I had direct instructions from the spirits to go to certain places and do certain things. I was surrounded by dark spiritual energy and it lead on a new path now I’m going to spend the rest of my life to help others break free from the same things
Thank you
I’ve been getting right ear ringing for weeks now every few days. I feel like something is happening in the world and I want to be in the awakening!! So happy to have found your blog ❤️
Welcome! Yes indeed, there’s a lot happening, we’re at the start of a massive paradigm shift
Hello Doohia. My boyfriend has been experiencing ringing in his right ear for about 3 almost 4 days now and he’s thinking as well that’s it’s probably due to the lack of his normal routine which includes medication. But his vision has also went blurry then dark and he lost feeling in his body and didn’t have balance for a bit then it came back. But the ringing is still there. Are there other spiritual factors that could have caused that?
Hi, I would recommend he sees a doctor ASAP
Hi Sophia, very exciting reading. My ears rings a lot, especially the right one. Sometimes it feels like it’s right in the middle of my head. And for a couple of week there has been a clicking sound in the right ear like the sound of morse codes. I would love to learn what that could be. Thanks 🙏🏻
Hi, thanks for sharing. I haven’t heard of the cicking before, is there a pattern to when it arrives? i.e. can you link it to something else which is going on?
My ears have been feeling clogged and ringing at the same time for weeks now. It’s both the ears but more the right one and sometimes it affects my voice chords to. Not sure if I’m going through an awakening or need medical attention. It’s been coming and going for over 3 weeks now
Hi Clive, it’s always worth seeing a doctor to eliminate medical causes, and of course it may be due to a blocked throat chakra too
Me too..and why am I aligned with the numbers 12 & 33 the exact time you wrote your comment lol what a coincidence well rather it was meant to happen
Yes, there’s no such thing as coincidence….
What if it is both ear at the same time? I usually have a ring in one or the other but last night I was sitting and talking with a friend who was being very vulnerable and I was sharing my spiritual believe with her. While doing that a sudden ringing was in both my ears and I felt like my sound was sort of echoing and my hearing was less. Like my head was under water
I kept talking but sent a thoughts to my spirits acknowledging them. But now I am just curious was it might have been?
Hi there, it sounds as though a lot of people in the higher dimensions were invested in what you were doing. Probably your friends guides were around as well as your own. The sudden ringing was drawing your attention to whatever was being said at the time. It means you hit upon the right diagnosis or advice. Whenever your ears ring suddenly, always pause to think about what was going on at the time and why it might be important. I hope that helps.
Hello Sophia. I’ve been having ringing in my right ear consistently for over 2 years now. Just in the last couple months it has gotten much louder and it is at a very high frequency. Most of the comments I was reading here have not stated anything over a greater period of time. Hoping you have some insight for me. Thank you 🙏
Hi, thanks for sharing. Yes, you can have ear ringing for a long period of time, it just depends what timeframe your awakening is over. Some people have it for many years. If it’s started to get louder then you’re probably in the mid-late Connection phase. The priorities at this time are 1) meditate daily 2) establish communication with your guides if you haven’t already done so. You can use divination tools for this. This blog article will tell you more about communication:
Many thanks for your response and guidance. So grateful you have given me that link regarding my spirit guides. I have attempted to connect with them but that hasn’t happened yet. I look forward to being able to do so. My awakening process has been amazing and has increased and gained incredible momentum recently. I’ve been on the path since 2012 after experiencing breast cancer. The timing was perfect. I am so thankful for you and the love you are sharing. So nice to have someone to reach out to that understands.
I just wanted to add also that I’ve been living in the same place for 6 years and I have a beautiful courtyard outside my door and have always wanted the birds to come and visit me. I could never understand why they weren’t coming in my yard. The day before yesterday I was sitting in my chair and I looked out the window and they had come in mass numbers.. tiny little bluebirds, Robins, sparrows, doves and they were all gathered around the bird bath, together , drinking water and playing on the ground. I was so overwhelmed it brought me to joyous tears. And now they’ve been coming every day. I also had a dream last night and I sought interpretation of that this morning and it was said to be related to communication so when you brought up communication with my guides, it was no coincidence. I’m very excited. And thank you again, Sophia… this has really been very touching and meaningful for me. Just wanted you to know that.
Was going through the same of both ears ringing so loudly I can feel the vibration, then the left ear would just buzz and that would be louder than the right, then all of them would go on at the same time. Yes I’ve been reading alot of spiritual books and articles…
Mine isn’t a ringing and it’s in the left. It reminds me more of white noise from an old tv that’s bin left on that blue screen. Once I found this page. The sound went away. I’ve also just had a hawk and sparrow fly by me yesterday and sit in the trees next to me
You’re definitely awakening! Congratulations
Mine is in my left ear and it rings like an old tv when u couldn’t get any channels that sound and it keeps on going then coming back. Back to back and I always wondered what it is.
Hello. Its always in my left ear and following by phone ringing or while talking with someone.
And here in winter i see lots of ladybugs everywhere even in the apartment.
Hi, that’s interesting! Probably there are messages for you in the conversations you have after hearing the ringing. Ladybugs can symbolise new beginnings so might be signalling you’re awakening i.e. you’re on the cusp on transformation
I was talking to the Universe about allowing me to win the lottery jackpot and all of sudden my left ear start ringing. Can anyone tell me if it’s any meaning to this? Thx in Advance✨✨✨
Hi, your guides are probably trying to communicate with you, have you tried meditating to see if any messages come through?
Hello, appreciate sharing your wisdom. I hope whatever it is it revelas and I hope we are ready, yes synchronicities happen, also these started to rais as I stopped any medication. synchronicities remain maybe raised too. and I am between a very difficault desicion one way it is more safe materialisticly and one way is more unknown and challengind, yet things happened like i was worried about the safe way so i am re thinking and these rings are way high now….
Yes, in this journey we are often asked to take risks. You must do what feels right for you at the time – trust your intuition
What if it’s a ring and your ear is pulsating at the same time? It felt like my left was pulsating and doing a high pitched ring. Not like white-noise high pitched. But more like when a bomb goes off in a movie next to someone and the movie plays that white noise sound, but mine isn’t as pitchy, it’s more subtle.
Your team probably really REALLY wants to talk to you! You can develop your powers of telepathy via Third Eye meditation – this article will give you more information:
You can also try a variety of techniques to talk to your guides – this article will help:
I just had ringing in left ear like 15 minutes ago. I’ve been seeing tons of angel number on clock varying from 222,444,555,1010 my bday 524 on the clock. Also I just seem I think an Eagle yesterday hovering over above or around my house it was really visible. Them I open my door this morning and I seen a brown dove (twice today) haven’t been sleeping well in addition . Idk
These are all classic signs of being in the Connection phase of awakening:
Both of my ears ring when I wake up till I go to sleep. It’s driving me Crazy
Today two times my right ear rang. What does it means?
This often happens during awakening to one degree or another, depending which stage you’re at. It means your vibrational rate is increasing, even if you’re not aware of it yet
Hi- I had somewhat of a kundalini experience a few months back. I was meditating deeply (had just lost my mom) and as soon as I was done I felt a serpent move from the bottom of by belly button up to my throat. It was the craziest, scariest feeling ever. Since then I notice ever bird flying in the sky and the same 3-5 numbers appear ALL day long.
Most recently I started feeling a ringing/pressure feeling in my ears. Someone one is stronger than the other and sometimes I wake up and they are almost throbbing (not that it hurts) but really trying to get my attention: I have asked spirit guides to fine tune the message but I’m not sure I’m getting what they are saying to me.
Hi Naydine, wonderful that you had a kundalini experience! To complete the awakening journey we need to reach full potential of both the mind and energetic system. Do you meditate? The more you integrate the conscious and superconscious mind, the easier it is to receive messages
Hi I have ringing constantly in left ear sometimes it goes very high pitch and it is generally a warning my intuition has got spot on I also have a low pitch like a heart beat come and go in my right ear what does this mean as I’ve only seen about high pitch sounds thank you for your videos they have helped alot x
Hi, thanks for sharing your experience. Yes, I’ve had the pulsing you describe, I think it’s still connected to vibrational rate. I always say, when in doubt, meditate! That way you’re doing a system reset and also allowing space for messages to come through, if there’s something important you need to know.
I had a sudden deafness in one ear for about 3-5 seconds. Then it came back. That never happened before. What does that mean?
Assuming there’s no medical condition, then it sounds like a variant of buzzing/ringing, basically a sort of energetic turbulence. So either someone was in the vicinity trying to make contact, or your own vibration had quickly elevated
I get this on my left ear, it happens when I think of someone, miss, and wish to communicate with them. what does that mean?
They’re responding to your thought, you’re connecting on a vibrational level. It’s basically your internal telephone system!
Hello, so I’m very spiritual and I’ve been seeing angel numbers a-lot since this year started (11:11,123,2:22) and i been trying to stay in a good space I also always see a white butterfly flying in the backyard. It comes every other day when its sunny. & My left ear just vibrated like 20 minutes ago and i was wondering what that mean and what should I do to stay focused on my goals?
Hi, thanks for sharing. These are classic signs that you’re at the start of the awakening journey – congratulations. The 2 things you can do right now which would be most beneficial are 1) start meditating daily (if you don’t already) and 2) look for ways to establish direct communication with your guides, e.g by using tarot cards or a pendulum.
I’ve been experiencing both ears but the right ear is frequent. Please what’s the solution?
If it’s really bothering you, you can ask your team to dial it down. Also daily meditation will increase your vibrations so over time the ear ringing will stop. However it may get worse before it gets better, depending where you are in the journey
last few days ive heard a doorbell, and i dont have a doorbell.this has all started since my ex has gotten back in touch with me .and i have heard it alot .to where i ended up driving by his home and i dont even known his address. but he called me and asked me what i had been doing there and i said,i dont know.i dont really remember the hour and 20 min drive home .like its these weird connections with things ,i did something bad ,next day he messages me , and the next night i had to tell him what i had down , and now im noticing more doorbell ringing like now.and noticing how much brighter things are since i sent the letterbut let my ex know so he could intercept it .i dont know whats going on but been happening since i told him about the letter.