Feeling Lost, Confused, Overwhelmed? Awakening Can Be Tough, But You Don’t Have to Do it Alone.

My New Online Course – A Complete Guide to Spiritual Awakening – Provides Expert Guidance, Clear Answers, and Essential Tools, to Help You on Your Path.

About Sophia Persephone


Sophia Persephone

Follow my spiritual teachings

Sophia Persephone is a writer, painter, and spiritual awakening coach from London, England.

She splits her time between satisfying her need to create and her desire to help others along the spiritual awakening path.

She has completed the final stage of awakening – ‘Actualization’.

Sophia is a channel for the Council of Light and Athena (‘Source‘) and receives regular downloads from both, which she shares in her blog and social media pages.

Passionate about de-mystifiying the spiritual awakening process and explaining how our universe really works, Sophia has successfully coached hundreds of awakeners around the world at every stage of awakening.

Her mission in this lifetime is to contribute all she can to the future enlightenment of humankind.

There’s no right or wrong way to have a spiritual awakening – just your way

I’ve coached people from all over the world at every stage of spiritual awakening. There’s not much I haven’t seen. This means I have a deep insight into this strange and wonderful experience. I’ve strengthened this further by surveying hundreds of people who are awakening around the globe.

The patterns are clear.

However, although there are certain milestones all awakeners go through, every awakening is unique. That means it can be hard to get the information you need to fully understand what’s happening to you, specifically. That’s where spiritual awakening coaching can help.

In my coaching sessions, I:

  • Identify where you are in the awakening journey
  • Explain what’s happening to you and what will happen next
  • Read your energies to understand your profile
  • Relay any messages for you channelled from the Council and your guides
  • Help identify or shape your purpose (if it’s the right time)
  • Provide techniques and protocols to move you on to the next stage of your journey.

A consultation takes between 1.5 and 2 hours. During your coaching session, you’ll receive all the tools and knowledge you need to progress to the next stage of awakening.