Spiritual Journal Entry – 21/02/23

Spiritual Journal Entry – 21/02/23

Enjoying this spiritual journal?  Start from the beginning… Sorry for the long silence… I haven’t updated my spiritual journal for a while, so apologies if you’re a regular reader. There’s two reasons for this. The first is that I’ve been working hard to...
Spiritual Journal Entry – 29/01/23

Spiritual Journal Entry – 29/01/23

Enjoying this spiritual journal?  Start from the beginning… I’m close to publishing my first book… I have been hunkered down for the past week or so, working hard and keeping out of the cold. Sophia had a strong word with me as I had been avoiding finishing my...
Spiritual Journal Entry – 17/01/23

Spiritual Journal Entry – 17/01/23

Enjoying this spiritual journal?  Start from the beginning… It’s official! I’m fully transcended Yesterday I reached an important milestone. I am now 100% transcended. The original goal had been to fully transcend by Christmas but I made a conscious...
Spiritual Journal Entry – 10/01/23

Spiritual Journal Entry – 10/01/23

Enjoying this spiritual journal?  Start from the beginning… Ugh…just…UGH. Holy moly this sobriety business is HA-ARD! (Well duh.) My conviction hasn’t wavered, there’s no way I’m going to drink. And fortunately the cravings have stopped (thank the...
Spiritual Journal Entry – 06/01/23

Spiritual Journal Entry – 06/01/23

Enjoying this spiritual journal?  Start from the beginning… These past two days have been very tricky… Today is day five without an alcoholic drink For some reason I am finding sobriety very difficult this time around, which surprises me because I have not...
Spiritual Journal Entry – 03/01/23

Spiritual Journal Entry – 03/01/23

Enjoying this spiritual journal?  Start from the beginning… Sophia has been teaching me a new party trick in meditation… During meditation this morning, I did something that Sophia had shown me a while ago. Which is how to touch in to the prevailing...