Awakening Coaching can unblock your spiritual journey and give you the answers and tools you need to reach your full soul potential.

“Sophia’s knowledge coupled with her direct connection to the Council of Light is a powerful combination that MUST be experienced. I highly recommend everyone going through the Awakening process to connect with Sophia.”


Your Initial Awakening Coaching Consultation With Sophia

During this intensive, deep-dive, awakening consultation, you’ll:

  • Receive confirmation that you are actually awakening
  • Learn where you are in the awakening journey
  • Understand the processes taking place in your system
  • Be guided on what’s likely to happen next
  • Receive an energy reading to understand your unique profile
  • Get help in identifying your purpose, if the time is right
  • Learn awakening techniques and protocols to help you progress
  • Receive messages from the Council of Light and your guides, if available
  • Be given the context of awakening and a view of the plan for the New Earth

What Will Happen in Your Initial Awakening Consultation?

Prior to your session, Sophia will ask you to complete her spiritual awakening survey so she has some background.

She’ll also ask you to share what you’d like to get out of the session, so she can make sure your questions are answered.

The consultation lasts 1.5 hours and takes place over Zoom.

With your permission, Sophia will record the session. She’ll send you a link to the recording afterwards.

Sophia is usually guided by a member of the Council of Light both before and during an awakening coaching consultation, and will share any messages she receives for you.

Follow-Up Coaching Packages for Existing Clients

If you’ve already had your intial consultation and would like to keep working with Sophia, these spiritual awakening coaching packages are designed for you.


“Sophia has given me so much more clarity, acceptance and confidence to move forward. I feel so much more at ease with my experience so far and I can now see a clearer road ahead. Thank you Sophia for your invaluable guidance and support!”


“Sophia is authentic, understanding and straight forward and most importantly, empowering. I was given an abundance of insights, channelled information and all the direction I needed, tailored to my specific needs in a clear, positive and structured manner. I’m so glad I took this session…It’s everything I could have wished for and much more!”


“As someone who has spent a lifetime being anti-spirituality, I was confused when suddenly my ears were ringing…I was then compelled to reach out to Sophia for a session, which did not disappoint. She brought so much clarity to a topic I knew almost nothing about…If you’re someone who is experiencing signs of a spiritual awakening, Sophia is the perfect person to talk to. Thank you for your guidance Sophia!!”


“My coaching session with Sophia was a profoundly transformative experience. Her expertise, compassion, and dedication to helping others on their spiritual journeys are truly remarkable. I wholeheartedly recommend Sophia to anyone seeking guidance and support on their path to spiritual awakening.”


Sophia’s Story, in Her Own Words

Sophia Persephone Spiritual Teacher - Sophia making a heart shape with her hands

My own awakening came out of the blue.

Pre-awakening I would have described myself as completely non-spiritual. I believed there was nothing to our universe but 3D physics and the material world.

My spiritual epiphany turned these beliefs on their heads.

I had an unusual awakening for two reasons.

Firstly, it was very quick. The time from my conscious awakening to Ascension was around three years, and I’m now progressing through the final stage of awakening, Actualization.

Secondly, I had commentary all the way through.

My guides and the Council of Light connected very early on and I’ve always had the ability to talk with them telepathically, as though they were in the room with me.

I discovered during my awakening that my soul is a member of the original Council of Light (she is Sophia) and that, in this incarnation, I’m a channel for both the Council and Athena (Source).

Throughout my awakening they’ve been teaching me the nuts and bolts of the awakening process, and how our universe really works.

My mission is to share this knowledge and help others along the path to enlightenment.

I hadn’t planned to become an awakening coach, but so many people were finding their way to me and asking for help that it became clear it was the universe’s intention.

For many years, prior to awakening, I worked in the corporate world, leading and mentoring teams, so I was already being prepared for this part of my journey a long time ago.

I love to see people discover their true soul nature and potential, and to help them, and our beautiful planet, move one step further towards the goal of global enlightenment.