Spiritual Awakening book: Cover of The World Is Waking Up, showing the sunrise over the Earth from space.


Sophia’s latest book The World Is Waking Up explains the global awakening phenomenon and dives deep into the awakening journey.

AN ESSENTIAL GUIDE to spiritual awakening.

The Global Enlightenment Project is driving the many spiritual awakenings happening now and those expected in the coming years. This initiative aims to enlighten humanity quickly and on a large scale. In this blog post, I will explain why the Project exists, how it’s being implemented, and the plan for humanity on this planet.

What Is The Global Enlightenment Project?

The Global Enlightenment Project is a massive initiative led by many old and powerful souls from many communities in our wider universe.

Its goal is to achieve the enlightenment of humanity within a few generations by awakening large numbers of people rapidly.

This project is being watched closely by beings throughout the multiverse, making our planet a focal point of great interest right now.

Why Do We Need The Global Enlightenment Project?

Previous efforts to shift Earth towards enlightenment, like the Sixties counter-culture movement, have failed.

Usually, we prefer gradual change, but this approach wasn’t working.

Negative patterns had become so deeply entrenched in Earth society that we just couldn’t break through.

Most alarmingly, the models we use in the higher dimensions to predict outcomes on Earth were starting to point to one thing—nuclear Armageddon.

This prompted a special meeting of the Council of Light.

We all agreed that we didn’t want to lose this version of Earth.

Our investigations showed us that the single most effective route out of the stalemate was a mass awakening event.

And so the Global Enlightenment Project was born.

(The good news is, our models now show that we’ve averted the risk of nuclear Armageddon.)

I'm a channel for The Council of Light and Source Energy, and coach awakeners all over the World

The Plan

An enormous number of people are scheduled to wake up in the next few years.

Ultimately, the intention is for every person on Earth to be on the awakening path, perhaps within as little as fifty years.

To begin with, the awakenings are largely concentrated in the West, particularly in the USA, but there are awakeners right now in every country on the globe.

Currently, 6 to 7% of the adult population of America is somewhere in the awakening process.

That’s nearly twenty million people in just that one country.

However, only 2 to 3% are consciously awake at the time of writing, and others may drop out of the journey.

The aim is to have 5% of adults in the USA fully awake by around the end of 2027, although placing exact timings on anything in this environment is difficult.

However, the Council tells me that things are going well and that they’re considering increasing the target, perhaps even up to 8%.

Who Is Being Woken Up?

The selection of early awakeners has been done with great care.

No one is awakening by accident.

Even though it might feel like a wild ride, it’s actually very closely controlled.

If you’re awakening right now, with very few exceptions, you are at least 70% through your soul lessons.

You are also probably descended from Om, Sophia, Lucifer, Isis, Freya, or Michael on the Council.

However, a small number of awakeners are now descending from Mammon, Shakti, and Agamemnon.

(Watch the video below to learn more about the Council of Light, or read this blog post.)

More highly evolved souls are being awakened first for a few reasons.

First, once they’re fully awakened, they will be enormously powerful.

They will be able to execute high-profile, big-impact missions easily.

These missions have been aligned with those of other powerful awakeners, so the effect will be exponential.

Second, the higher evolved are more capable of dealing with adversity.

For reasons I’ll explain shortly, there are some extreme examples of awakenings taking place.

We can only choose people for these types of journeys who are robust enough to get through.

Remember, your life experience is matched to your ability.

Third, we’re testing a lot of different types of awakening on all sorts of profiles of souls.

This is so we can be sure what will happen to larger groups of less highly evolved souls when we start to roll awakening out into the wider population.

We can test relatively quickly and deeply with a higher evolved soul and increase our knowledge exponentially.

This is why we’re seeing some unusual awakenings happening now; we’re testing around the fringes.

People going through these types of awakenings are called ‘outliers’.

The Testing Program

At this early stage of the awakening roll-out, we’re pretty much all guinea pigs.

We volunteered to incarnate and have a certain type of awakening to aid the collective learning.

So, whatever kind of awakening you’re going through, it’s intended, even though it might feel hard to you.

In fact, if it feels difficult, that’s probably the point. You’re testing some kind of limit.

 Think of the testing program as an enormous matrix of types of awakening and types of awakener.

Awakenings can be fast or slow, intense or mild, full of communication or silent, continuous or stop-start.

Every permutation will ultimately be tested on every configuration of soul, so we have a complete picture of what is likely to happen when we take awakening out further.

That’s why it’s impossible to say for sure how long an awakening will last.

This ‘belt and braces’ approach is designed to make sure we hit our goals this time around.

How Long Will the Global Enlightenment Project Take?

We will see significant shifts in our society throughout the course of the Global Enlightenment Project as people progressively wake up.

The hope is that, within fifty years, enough people will be sufficiently awake to have broken the deadlock and fundamentally shifted the situation on this planet.

However, the Project will continue until awakening is accepted as a life stage that everyone goes through, a bit like adolescence or menopause.

The work you and I do in our lifetimes will help lead the way to this new paradigm.

Will Everyone Have a Spiritual Awakening?

At some point in history, yes; right now, no.

The roll-out is strictly controlled.

There’s finite energy available to support awakeners, so we can only go as fast as that allows.

This is a limit imposed by ‘The Game of Life,’ which we’re all playing, whether we’re aware of it or not.

The target right now is to get a third of adults in the West to at least 80% integration.

Our models show that this is an important tipping point and has the power to transform our society.

The intention is to create the kind of environment here that we enjoy in the upper dimensions—a place of peace, equal sharing of resources, compassion, non-judgment, and equality.


The Global Enlightenment Project is an ambitious effort to elevate human consciousness on a massive scale.

It’s never been done before, anywhere in the multiverse.

By awakening large numbers of people and guiding them through their spiritual journeys, we aim to create an enlightened, peaceful, compassionate world.

As we navigate this transformative process, the contributions and experiences of each individual play a crucial role in achieving our collective goals.

Embrace your awakening journey and know that you are part of a grand, cosmic plan to transform our planet and fulfill our highest potential.

I’m a spiritual awakening coach and channel for the Council of Light and Source (Athena)

Do you want to unlock your TRUE soul potential?

I teach people from all over the world how to harness their soul power, discover who they really are, and pursue their purpose.