Sophia’s latest book The World Is Waking Up explains the global awakening phenomenon and dives deep into the awakening journey.
AN ESSENTIAL GUIDE to spiritual awakening.
Are you a spiritual seeker looking for the truth? Do you want to understand why you’re here and what you’re supposed to be doing? Perhaps you want to know the meaning of life? In this article, I share 14 ways to find the truth for yourself so you can become your own teacher and guide.
#1: Tidy Your Mind
As a spiritual seeker, a tidy, neutral mind allows you to see things objectively and rationally.
That means you can more easily discern what’s true and what’s not.
Begin by identifying and removing unhelpful or limiting patterns of behavior, which often stem from childhood trauma.
Engaging in inner work, such as therapy or self-reflection, can help resolve these deep-seated issues.
Reassessing your old beliefs is also crucial.
Ask yourself if your beliefs are truly your own or if they have been conditioned by your environment.
For instance, you might hold certain views because of how you were raised or the society you live in.
Challenge these beliefs and replace them with things you know to be true for you.
Reprogram your mind towards positivity by starting a daily gratitude practice.
Try to keep your mind in neutral gear throughout the day.
This will help you approach situations with clarity and impartiality and also leave room for intuitive messages to get through.
You can use mindfulness exercises, like focusing on your breath or observing your thoughts without judgment, to get into neutral.
Or you can use the ‘No-mind’ meditation technique, which involves emptying your mind completely.
#2: Improve Your Creativity
Increasing your creative and lateral thinking supports spiritual seeking.
Creativity allows you to think outside the box and see connections that you might otherwise miss.
Engage in right-brain exercises, such as drawing, painting, or brainstorming sessions, to stimulate your creative side.
For instance, setting aside time each day to sketch or paint allows your mind to explore freely without constraints.
Participating in activities that challenge your usual way of thinking, such as puzzles, games, or learning a new skill, can also enhance creativity.
These activities encourage you to use your brain in new and different ways, making your mind more flexible.
You can also try using your non-dominant hand for writing and drawing to build new neural pathways and develop your problem-solving ability.
#3: Invest in the Awakening Process
If you’re going through a spiritual awakening, investing in the process will help you as a spiritual seeker.
As you awaken, you integrate more deeply with your higher self and establish contact with your guides, which can help you uncover profound truths.
Establishing a consistent spiritual practice is key to this journey.
Adjust your diet if you need to, and exercise for 30 minutes a day, as this provides a solid physical foundation for your spiritual work.
Meditation should be a daily practice, helping you to quiet your mind and connect with your higher self.
Even a few minutes each day can make a significant difference.
Inner work is also very important during spiritual awakening, to reduce the hold the lower mind has on your overall system.
Additionally, research the spiritual topics that resonate with you, as these create a platform of knowledge your guides can use later on, as they continue to lead you to the truth.
#4: Meditate
Not just for spiritual seekers, but for everybody, meditation is a powerful tool for uncovering the truth.
Regular meditation brings clarity of thought, quieting the lower mind and raising your consciousness.
This means you can detach from your worries and observe them without judgment, leading to greater self-awareness.
You are also more open to flashes of intuition and communication from the higher dimensions.
Start with simple techniques like focusing on your breath or repeating a mantra.
Or use a guided meditation app to get started.
Don’t worry if you’re new to meditation and your thoughts are bouncing around, over time they will settle down, it just takes practice.
#5: Work with Your Guides
Even if you’re not in the awakening process, you can still work with your guides to get answers to questions.
One practical method is using an online divination tool like Facade.com to ask yes/no questions.
Another effective technique is automatic writing.
Sit in a quiet space with a pen and paper, clear your mind, and invite your guides to communicate through your writing.
Let your hand move freely, writing whatever comes to mind.
Over time, you may start to notice patterns or specific messages.
You could also try using a pendulum, oracle cards, or even your dreams, by setting the intention to receive guidance before you sleep.
#6: Develop Your Psychic Powers
Enhancing your psychic skills can provide deeper insights into the spiritual truths you seek.
This is intuitive mind training that will make it easier for you to connect to the universal consciousness.
Try starting with simple telepathy exercises with a friend, taking it in turns to send and receive thoughts or images.
I can recommend the book “Awakening Your Psychic Powers” by Henry Reed to help you develop these abilities.
Additionally, you could consider joining a local or online group focused on psychic development, where you can practice and share experiences with other people.
#7: Develop Your Critical Thinking
Combining extra-sensory techniques with strong critical thinking skills can significantly enhance your search for the truth.
Critical thinking involves questioning assumptions, logically analyzing arguments, and seeking evidence for claims.
You can develop these skills through various approaches.
Reading books that delve into the mechanics of thought and decision-making, such as “Thinking, Fast and Slow” by Daniel Kahneman, offers valuable insights into how we process information and make choices.
Additionally, enrolling in online courses on platforms like Coursera can provide structured learning on critical thinking and logical reasoning, helping you to systematically improve your analytical skills.
Engaging in activities that challenge your cognitive abilities, such as chess, Sudoku, or logic puzzles, can also be beneficial.
These games require strategic thinking and problem-solving, which are crucial components of critical thinking.
#8: Learn a Lot, Quickly
Knowledge is power.
There are many ways to learn rapidly.
Summary apps like Blinkist can help you quickly absorb the key points of books and articles.
Podcasts and audiobooks are excellent for learning on the go, allowing you to make use of commute times or while doing chores.
Online courses mean you can find structured learning on almost anything these days.
You could also join study groups or discussion forums.
Most importantly, try to learn something new every day.
Many successful individuals, like Warren Buffett, spend a lot of time just learning.
Buffett famously spends several hours a day reading.
Getting into a regular learning habit will help you expand your understanding and connect the pieces of the puzzle.
#9: Question Everything
Don’t settle until you feel you’ve reached the core of a matter, even if you have to visit the subject multiple times over a long period.
You could try the ‘Five Whys’ technique.
This involves asking “why” multiple times (typically five) to drill down into the root cause of a problem or belief.
Or you could try the ‘Feynman Technique‘ (named after physicist Richard Feynman), which involves explaining a concept in simple terms as if teaching it to someone else.
This approach helps you identify gaps in your understanding and solidify your knowledge.
#10: Build Your Own Paradigm
Create a mental model of how things work based on the information you gather.
When new information arises, see how it fits into your paradigm.
If it doesn’t fit but seems true, re-examine your paradigm.
This continuous refinement helps you develop a robust understanding of the matter in hand, leading you closer to the truth.
Keeping a journal of your thoughts and ideas can help you see how your understanding evolves over time.
This means you can identify any patterns or recurring themes.
You may also discover a hidden gem which you’d forgotten but which now suddenly makes sense.
Discuss your paradigm with others to gain new perspectives and challenge your thinking.
Engaging with different viewpoints can help refine your mental model and ensure it remains flexible and accurate.
#11: Develop a BS Alarm
It’s possible to create a mental device to use to test particular ideas.
I call these tools, ‘BS Alarms.’
For example, a visualization of an arrow that swings between yes and no, when you hold an idea in your mind.
Just clear your mind, focus on the arrow, and observe where it points.
Also, pay attention to your body’s reactions, as physical sensations can often send clues about what to trust.
What is happening in your gut, for example?
Concentrate on developing a strong internal sense of what feels true and what doesn’t.
#12: Work with a Coach or Teacher
A good coach or teacher can help you develop techniques and skills to find the truth yourself.
They can provide guidance, support, and new perspectives that you might not have considered.
If they are intuitive, they may also share insights that guide you closer to the truth.
Choose someone who resonates with you and whose methods align with your values.
Look for coaches or teachers with good reputations and reviews.
Working with someone you trust and respect can significantly accelerate your journey toward the truth.
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#13: Ignore Conspiracy Theories
Conspiracy theories can be a significant distraction and drain your energy.
Even if some of them, hypothetically, were true, you are not achieving anything by focusing on them.
In fact, you’re giving them power.
Instead, concentrate on your own development and working out what you want to achieve in this life.
By focusing on what you can control and improving yourself, you can make a real impact in the world.
Channel your energy into positive, constructive actions rather than getting lost down the rabbit hole.
Conspiracy theories thrive on fear and uncertainty.
They are meant to distract and disorient us.
Just focus on yourself and what you can contribute and you have the potential to make a significant shift.
#14: Always, ALWAYS Make Up Your Own Mind
Ultimately, your mind is your workspace, playroom, and tool to navigate life.
Don’t let anyone tell you what to think.
Fill your mind with truths you have verified for yourself and discard what doesn’t serve you.
Aim for clarity and peace, and have a clear picture of your goals.
Regularly reflect on your beliefs and values to ensure they still resonate with your true self.
By trusting your own judgment and maintaining an open, inquisitive mind, you will find the truths you’re looking for.
If you’re a spiritual seeker, you’re are on the path to something profoundly transformative.
Remember, the answers you seek are within you.
It’s easy to get distracted by external noise, but true wisdom comes from within.
Commit to rigorous thinking and balance your intelligence with intuition to navigate your spiritual path.
In this way you’ll empower yourself to become your own teacher and guide.
I’m a spiritual awakening coach and channel for the Council of Light and Source (Athena)
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