Spiritual Awakening book: Cover of The World Is Waking Up, showing the sunrise over the Earth from space.


Sophia's latest book The World Is Waking Up explains the global awakening phenomenon and dives deep into the awakening journey.

AN ESSENTIAL GUIDE to spiritual awakening.

Money and spirituality are two seemingly opposite ideas that provoke a lot of debate. For many, being poor is equated with being spiritual. In this article, I’m going to explain why it’s perfectly possible to be both wealthy and spiritual, and why, at this particular time in history, it’s actually necessary.

Where Does The Idea We Should Be Poor Come From?

First, let’s examine where the idea that money and spirituality aren’t compatible comes from:

Jesus Preaching Poverty

In the Bible, Jesus frequently emphasized the virtues of poverty.

For instance, he said, ‘It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God,’ (Matthew 19:24).

St. Francis of Assisi

St. Francis is another figure who extolled a life of poverty.

He renounced his family’s wealth to live a simple life dedicated to God and service to others.

His commitment to poverty was a powerful statement against materialism, highlighting the spiritual purity found in renouncing worldly possessions.

Our Own Intuition

As we awaken spiritually, we intuitively understand that life isn’t meant to be about accumulating wealth.

We understand there is something more meaningful beyond material possessions.

Am I saying these sources are wrong?

Absolutely not.

They offer profound truths that we know deep in our hearts are correct.

The difference is that we must consider the context of the World we find ourselves in today.

The Reality of Our World

We live in an exceptionally money-driven, wealth-fascinated world.

This is the result of a deliberate strategy by the teams which are trying to prevent global enlightenment, as part of the Game of Life.

They wanted to distract us with shiny things – and guess what?

It worked.

We’re so busy trying to acquire more stuff that we aren’t questioning what’s going on in the world.

We aspire to be billionaires while, around the globe, children are starving.

Clearly, something has gone terribly wrong.

The fact is, we’ve moved so far away from our soul values that, as a society, we’re finding it very hard to get back on track.

That’s why the Global Enlightenment Project has been launched.

It’s a one-off special mission, designed to get this planet back on track.

(Read about the Global Enlightenment Project in this blog post.)

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Money as a Tool for Good

There are many of us incarnating now with big missions that will need big funds.

So, we need to raise money.

We can do this through building our own wealth, finding sponsors, or a mix of the two.

Either way, we need to accept that it’s going to be very difficult for such a large number of souls to actualize their missions without cash.

And bear in mind, we’re trying to move rapidly.

This means, we have to play the game from within the current paradigm; otherwise, it might take us decades to get traction.

Money means we can make big things happen quickly.

Yes, we know that we’re supposed to share resources fairly, and individuals shouldn’t be hoarding big piles of cash.

That’s correct as a philosophy, but it doesn’t help us practically right now.

So, we need a mindset shift.

We need to accept that it’s okay, in fact desirable, to want to generate wealth in our current society.

The really important question is, what will we do with that wealth?

Our Community Must Build and Share its Resources

So you’re sitting on a ton of cash.

What will you make happen?

How will you help the collective?

If we want to generate money to buy fancy cars and superyachts, we’re not helping the collective.

But if we want to use it to support charities or contribute to crowdfunders that will make real change in the world, then clearly, this is a great way to use our money.

Or if we have a vision ourselves, something we want to build, we can generate wealth and reinvest it back into our own project.

Remember, the people who are trying to prevent us from achieving global enlightenment are the incumbents, and they have mountains of money!

So, we must build our own resources to fund the important initiatives that are ignored by the establishment.

Money as Energy

So, the issue is not the money; it’s what we do with the money.

Remember that Mammon, who is the Council member overseeing the world of money, is also responsible for energy.

Money is really just an energy that helps make things happen.

In this reality, it’s become fetishized as a thing in itself, but that’s not how it’s supposed to be.

It’s supposed to be a mechanic for helping one another or engaging focus or concentrating energy in a particular area.

It’s a metaphor.

Our society won’t always be driven by money in the way it is now.

Once everyone’s awake, we won’t need it anymore.

We’ll work together as a collective to do the right thing for all segments of society, as we do in the higher dimensions.

I’m a spiritual awakening coach and channel for the Council of Light and Source (Athena)

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